Prof. Jeffrey Almond, PhD

Prof. Jeffrey Almond is a pre-eminent vaccinologist. He has more than 40 years of expertise in the field of vaccines and Influenza

• His scientific contributions include the first demonstration that a single gene can determine host range – a finding highly relevant to understanding evolution of new Influenza pandemic strains
• Completion of the genetic map of an avian influenza virus
• First detailed description of the proteins of Influenza B virus
• Major contributions to the understanding of polio virus and its vaccines

Prior experience:
• Consultant and Scientific Advisory, multiple SABs public sector and Biotech companies (2016-present)
• Visiting Professor, University of Oxford and University of Reading, UK (2016-present)
• VP and Head of Discovery Research and External R&D, Sanofi Pasteur (1999-2013)
• Professor, University of Reading, UK (1985-1999)
• Lecturer, University of Leicester (1979-1985)

• Oxford Martin Fellow with the Oxford Martin Programme on Vaccines
• Elected Fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology
• Fellow of the UK Academy of Medical Sciences
• Ivanovsky Medal, Scientific Council of Virology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (1999)
• Fleming Award (1985)

• PhD of Philosophy, Virology, University of Cambridge, UK (1974-1976)
• BSc, Microbiology and Biochemistry combined honours, University of Leeds, UK (1969-1973)