Prof. Pierre Vandamme, MD, PhD

Prof. Pierre Van Damme is the former Chairman of the Vaccine & Infectious Disease Institute (VAXINFECTIO) at the University of Antwerp, and head of the Centre for the Evaluation of Vaccination with more than 25 years of experience in vaccinology

• Conducted more than 350 vaccine trials at the Center for the Evaluation of Vaccination
• More than 20 years a regular advisor for national and international organizations, including the Flemish Vaccination platform, the National Immunization Technical Advisory Group and the World Health Organization

Prior experience:
• Executive Secretary of the Human Papilloma Virus Control and Prevention Board (2015-present)
• Professor at the University of Antwerp (2000-present)
• Founder of the Center for the Evaluation of Vaccination (1994 – present)
• Executive Secretary of the Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board (1994-present)
• Chairman of the Vaccine & infectious Disease Institute, VAXINFECTIO, University of Antwerp (2008 – 2018)
• Chairman of the European Technical Advisory Group of Experts on communicable diseases and vaccines for WHO European Region (2004-2014)

• Member of the Belgian Royal Academy of Medicine
• Research Award of the University of Antwerp
• Belgian Social Medicine Award “Jean Van Beneden” for his work on the introduction of universal hepatitis B immunization programs
• Bill Marshall Award of the ESPID society (2014)

• Master’s degree in occupational health
• Degrees in Health & Economics
• PhD in epidemiology and social medicine, University of Antwerp (1994)
• Medical Degree, University of Antwerp, Belgium (1984)